Today Nintendo officially announced her new console – Switch. As the rumors shown, the device shown-a kind of hybrid of the home and portable consoles, with a separate docking station and replaced controllers. It’s good or bad, it’s too early to judge: we don’t know anything about the technical characteristics of the console or the games that will appear on it (we know about some, but this is not enough), nor about the price.
But already now we can speculate about the possible future Switch. Here we have collected the opinions of editors and authors "Gambling" About what awaits the new Nintendo console.
Semyon Kostin
So far, emotions are mixed, but there are already anxious bells. The screen is small and quite inconvenient for the game together outside the house (this is visible in the video). A bunch of extra details that may break or get lost. The fresh design of gamepads (both large and two small ones) and the console itself: during the presentation, I even had associations with numerous Chinese nameless prefixes, which are loaded with a lot of glow emulators. It is good if Nintendo announces replaceable panels, as it has already been with the new version 3DS.
Switch is definitely not non -nectogen, because the console has an updated system on board NVIDIA TEGRA, used in tablets and phones, including in the tablet Nvidia Shield. Mobile phones and tablets with NVIDIA TEGRA often had a whole bouquet of unpleasant problems. This is especially true for the battery: it was very quickly discharged and was very warmed. NVIDIA even recalled several parties of Shield due to the risk of overheating. I hope that the problem of insufficient cooling will bypass Switch.
It is also interesting to know how much the docking will expand the capabilities of the console. The idea is really interesting, but so far everything looks very controversial.
Svetlana Nelipa
First thought: what will break faster-a stand or these constantly inserting, opening controllers? Second: to what, probably, it is inconvenient to play with such small shapeless gamepads!
At the same time, the idea is really glorious – to play always, play everywhere, in all conceivable places and combinations. In fact, it usually turns out that it is more convenient to play on the couch, and in the road there is enough smartphone with backgammon or “scarf”. In the bus or metro, accuracy for some reason usually begins to limp.
Denis Knyazev
Nintendo proved that she is a very bold company. Switch is intriguing, but, unfortunately, not as cool as we would like. A chip with the unification of the home and portable consoles may work, however, no serious technical characteristics of speech, apparently, does not go. About the entire multi -platform, apparently, too ( The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim , seriously?). However, Nintendo has never been "about graphone".
The platform looks strange too. I can’t say anything about the “home” option: in fact, the type of device starting the game on the TV is not so important. If Nintendo believes that it should be a toaster, let. But a number of questions arise for the portable version. I do not exclude that all these replaced controllers will be convenient, but the console itself in disassembled form will not cease to be a tablet. From this point of view, I like 3DS more – compact, ergonomic and stylish. But you can't play Skyrim on 3DS, the fact.
For me, the question "Buy or not" will be decided when the company calls the cost of Switch. I am generally ready to go to such an experiment if it costs me reasonable money. Otherwise, "manage" Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4.
► Interesting, this is an updated version of Skyrim or the original?
Evgeny Assessers
Nintendo finally showed Switch – her new console. Now there are no details regarding iron. Suppose that the filling will be weaker than the current generation of consoles. This is bad, but not for fans of the company. Players love Nintendo not for graphics, but for games. Therefore, there is still chances of success.
I will be glad if Switch is waiting for the fate of Nintendo 3ds. The baby is sold noticeably better than competitive consoles (in America and Europe), and they sell her hardcore and original games, of which there are many there. If Nintendo goes along the same road this time, then a long life is ensured by a new console. Otherwise, the fate of WII U will befall her.
Still, Nintendo has a trump card now, and this The Legend of Zelda : Breath of The Wild. This year, the game became the most popular on E3 and Gamescom, and fans are looking forward to it. I think the next "Zelda" will serve as an occasion to buy a console.
Evgeny Peklo
The editor -in -chief of the magazine "Gambling"
An interesting attempt to solve the problem of uniting a “living room” and a portable console. It’s just not clear who needs this in real life. The situations proposed in the video, in my opinion, are very attracted by the ears – if I love Skyrim so much that I can’t go out without it, then, probably, I have already passed it over the past years. After watching the video, there is a feeling that the target audience of the console is people with a heavy game addiction, who can’t just go for a walk with friends.
A large number of detachable elements requires a bunch of batteries, which calls into question the weight of the system and the ability to play for a long time without recharging. And in principle, it is very strange in the age of tablets to see another attempt to make a portable console. There are more games on the iPad, and the battery is decent, and you can work if necessary. Here, of course, there are lateral control systems, and hands do not block the screen, but for the sake of this you need to carry an additional device with you, imprisoned exclusively for games. Most likely, the system will be interesting as a constant home console to Nintendo fans, but it is difficult for me to believe in active use outside the house.
► Switch looks like a home console.
Igor Kononov
The idea of an instant transition from the game in the living room to the game on a walk is good only in commercials. In life, as a rule, it takes a lot of time before the player who left the house returns to an incomplete level. The usual cloud synchronization for "walking gaming" would be quite enough, but Nintendo has other ambitions.
The pleasant sound of the Nintendo Switch latch is overshadowed by a twitching picture on the screen – at least judging by the prolonged premiere roller. Perhaps the first questions of the sophisticated player to the new portable console – “What is inside?"And" Where are the games?". And also-how much will the battery "live" with such an impressive screen?
So far, Nintendo Switch seems to be a product for people who want to touch the guests with a spectacular novelty. But connoisseurs of games and comfort will probably wait for more intelligible data about the new console.
► A list of companies that (seemingly) will make games for Nintendo Switch.
Arthur Gilyazov
In the Nintendo video, everything is beautiful, but will everything be smooth in real life? There are so far questions for Nintendo Switch: will fixers start to break from constant connections and disconnects of the docking stations and controllers? Will there be enough chip capacity for a comfortable game? How much will the battery last out of the outlet? And this is only what lies on the surface.
Of course, it is too early to draw the final conclusions: a lot depends not only on the console itself, but also on games. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that Nintendo Switch is awaiting success in the home console segment: it does not have a highlight, such as PS4 virtual reality or integration with PC in Xbox One. But if the developers of the games do not disappoint, the prefix may well compete for a place under the sun with mobile devices.
► standard gamepad that can be used at home.
Rodion Ilyin
Leading editor and magazine "Gambling"
And in this whole story with Nintendo Switch, the man in the background, who is absolutely parallel to the bustle around the Voodoodreams Casino new console, was most amusing me.
Artemy Kotov
The idea of console-transformer is not bad. But, as the young Kero King Vridanka said on their first date: “not bad little thing, but does it have any practical application?»It seems to be. If Switch is at least half as convenient as it looks in the trailer, we can clean the unique dungeon No. 123 in Skyrim without a break. However, a comfortable change in the format itself is a pleasant trifle, and if Switch has nothing more to offer, it turns out, it is expected to have fun for hipsters (the clumsy design of controllers only fixes this impression). Even if the obvious technical threats at the output does not appear, not everyone wants to buy this miracle – it means that everything will be decided by exclusives. Nothing new.
* * *
Nintendo Switch will be on sale in March 2017. Probably then (or soon) the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and a new game about Mario will be released. Surely the company will prepare several more projects to start the device. It is the games that will determine the future of the console, in our opinion. 3D in the portable 3DS is also a very bold (and interesting) experiment, but it was excellent games that made the console one of the most successful in the history of the Japanese company (which can not be said about Wii U).
Time will show.